I've revamped the world map so that its more cohesive and a lot nicer looking. Some of the locations have been moved around to better fit the lore, and the more refined geography.

List of locations from top/bottom left/right:CITIES (blue):Krell, Oceanis, Lacushire, Vertisa, Arborel, Durom Fall, K'Lat, Vuel'Tek, AelmarshTowns (yellow):Dunia, Lochlea, Fellwald, Orin's Point, Norland, Farlake Mill, Bredge, Dolin, Sineris, Denport, Kann, Tirandel, Nilneas, Ambred, Ashtar, Kanleih, Carin, Seldura Barrens, Dur'Lak, Murdenhelm, Crimoor, Bel'Dur, Dustfell, Leywater, Malwyre, Urad'Va, Vuel'Va, Ourlat'Mar -indie
Vuel'Tek concept. Just a rough sketch for the entrance of Vue'Tek.
Just some concepts that I was too lazy to color all nice.

by indie

by indie




Third and final tier for the fire starter. He has spots but I forgot them ): 

by indie
Second tier evolution of the fire starter.
Fire starter. First evolution state.

by indie
The final evolution to the water starter. He's super lazy but he'll squish you if you get in his way!

by indie
Yay, Badpole evolution! This is the secondary form of the water starter.  He's super bad ass, and doesn't take no for an answer!

by indie

Also, you'll probably be seeing more concept art of monsters than actual models since concept "paintings" like this are faster to output and more useful in the long term. 
By the writer, TheGood.

Prism Online